Magnus Sierra

About Magnus Sierra

Hi, my name is Magnus Sierra, and I love Irish Wolfhounds!

I’ve been raising these magnificent dogs for a couple of years now and have learned a lot about them. My first Irish named Drake; I was 19 when I decided to adopt him.  My vet told me that Irish Wolfhounds are affectionate, loyal, and quite gentle. So when I first adopted Drake, he certainly lived up to this description!

Drake quickly became the love of my life, and soon enough, I found myself with a dozen other amazing hounds. From their boisterous morning greetings to their intense cuddle sessions at night—there’s never a dull moment around here. At the moment, I have 2 hounds named Oscar and Wilde. I love them dearly.

These dogs may be big in size, but they’re big in heart too! So if you ever want to add an Irish Wolfhound to your family, don’t forget the commitment these incredible creatures require; they’ll reward you tenfold in loyalty and companionship. Trust me on this one!

I grew up in a family that always had dogs, and when I first saw an Irish Wolfhound, I was taken aback by their majestic appearance. The sheer size of them is enough to make you stop and stare! 

They are quite large dogs, usually weighing between 90-150 pounds. But for all their size, they are surprisingly gentle and even-tempered.

In this blog post, I want to introduce you to the world of Irish Wolfhounds and tell you why they make such great pets. 

So there you have it — my personal story about why I love Irish Wolfhounds and why they make such great pets. They are beautiful, loyal, and loving animals that will bring joy to any household. So if you’re thinking of getting one of these gentle giants, don’t hesitate to give them the love they deserve!

Thanks for joining me on my journey into the world of Irish Wolfhounds. Stay tuned for more posts about these beautiful creatures!

Happy tails!

– Magnus Sierra.